torsdag 13 november 2008

Over for this time

Thank you to everybody who congratulated me in one way or another!

I woke up to some beautiful Happy Birthday-singing and a big big big present. Unwrapped it turned out to be a Nespresso. Finally, I have longed for one of those since visiting a friend in Barcelona spring 2005.
Filip and Henrik took off for school and work while I and Sixten prepared for a visit to the doctor. Sixten have had a high fever since Sunday and a bad cough so I wanted to have him checked up before we leave for Sweden.
Of course he had an ear infection, must be no 6 this year, and his asthma was very active. New medications to try to control his asthma and that little treat cost us $600. No Frikort in this country I can tell you. Well I shall not complain, our insurance covers it all . But just imagine what life is like for those without medical insurance having to choose not to give medicine to a sick child.
Henrik turned up with dinner and more presents. After some delicious grilled shrimps I got to open the rest of my presents. I got a super comfy Abercrombie hoodie, a new Electrolux kitchen hoover (no I was not offended by this), a cover for my iPhone, tights in cool colours, and for the money I got from my parents and my in laws I ordered a new pair of boots.

I am happy. I do like birthdays again. Especially turning 25.

5 kommentarer:

Mia sa...


Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Biiiiiirthday dear Sofiaaa,
Happy Birthday to you!

25 is a brilliant age, hope you will enjoy your 26th year!..

Kram!!! sa...

Happy birthday, happy birthday to youuuuu!

Labamba sa...

Hej du, vad harligt att hora att du har det bra. Oroninflammation ar inte roligt. Pontus har haft det har nere i Thailand (sa fick jag det sagt). Som tur var hette doktorn Pruttipong, det blev liksom roligare att svalja tabletterna da!. Nu ses vi snart. Kram fran JASP

Larssons sa...

Wow vilka gratulationer. Jag suger at mig allt och ser fram mot nasta 25-arsdag.

Oroninflammation i Thailand later trots allt lite roligare for resten av familjen an oroninflammation i Sverige. Jag saknar dig vannen!

MoneyPenny sa...

Öroninflammation? är det nåt som är inne? Har inte kommit till Getinge ännu, men vi är kanske lite efter??? JASP: Hoppas ni ändå har det bra i Thailand, är sugen på en fullständig reseskildring när ni kommer hem. Sofipropp: du verkar ha blivit uppvaktad som den drottning du är!