tisdag 30 september 2008

A new hobby

Filip hasn't touched his bike for the whole summer. It has been too warm to go bike riding during the day and in the evenings we were quite happy to enjoy the cool indoors. A few weeks ago I forced the poor boy to take out his bike and off we went. He said he had forgotten how to do it. I said you can't forget how to ride a bike. One of the fundamental rules of life isn't it.

Well after some persuasion, cheering and sometimes bribing he soon started to enjoy it again.

A bit too much. Now he wants to go for long walks every single day and evening. Yesterday it was a really warm evening and we took the path around the lake.

Lunch Bunch

Starting tomorrow Sixten will bring his lunch to preschool. Instead of picking him up at noon he will stay for another hour. I am of course doing this for his own good. It has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I play tennis Wednesdays mornings. Nothing to do with the fact that it quite nice not to rush from one place to another all the time. Instead reading the paper while eating lunch alone.

So I hope he will enjoy it too.

torsdag 25 september 2008

H-A-P-P-Y he is H-A-P-P-Y

Gar igenom semesterkorten och hittar den har lilla saken. Vi hade bestallt hotellrum med "Strip view" och Henrik blev valdans besviken nar det inte var nagon strippa pa rummet. Hittade den har lilla skylten till honom istallet.


Dags att ta itu med utmaningen jag fatt fran Mia. OBS! Om ni ar intresserade av LCHF kost sa kolla hennes blogg. Dar star mycket intressant.

Först reglerna: Svara på alla frågor, välj ut 4 personer som du vill ska svara och utmana dem i deras bloggar och be dem läsa din. Låt personen som utmanade dig veta när du svarat på utmaningen!

Vilken mat äter du ofta?
Just nu blir det mycket grillade rakor. Annars slinker det ner sushi till lunch nan gang i veckan.

När du är på kalas, är du den personen som sitter eller hjälper du till att duka av?
Visst hjalper jag till att duka av, det ar ju i koket det riktiga skvallret avhandlas.

Var sitter du helst när du bloggar?
Helst? Tja en sandstrand i Karbien kanske. Har hemma blir det i koket.

Köper du ofta triss?
Inte ofta men jag tycker det ar vansinnigt spannande att skrapa lotterna.

Vilket land eller stad har varit din bästa semester?
Svart det dar, manga bra resor att valja pa. Ibland har inre resmalet i sig varit toppen men resesallskapet detso trevligare. Jag vill garna aka till Osterrike pa bade sommar- och vintersemester snart igen.

Vilken tv-kanal tittar du på mest?
NBC, Fox, Bravo och Noggin

Utmaningen gar vidare till: Alla som laser har och har egna bloggar.

onsdag 24 september 2008

Tyar icke

Ikvall far engelskan vila och ni far halla tillgodo utan prickar.

Intensiv dag idag, verkligen. Henrik akte till Virginia igar kvall efter fotbollstraningen. Sa det foll pa min lott att locka upp den trottaste killen i stan, fa pa honom klader och truga i honom frukost. Sixten och jag lampade av honom utanfor skolan 7.30 och sedan akte vi hem for att ta tag i dagen.

Efter att jag lamnat Sixten pa hans skola korde jag till Sherwood swim & racquet club. Det var antligen dags for tennismatch. Jag och Stacey spelade pa 4 banan och motte tufft motstand. Den ena av damerna var definitivt inte en 4:de bana spelare utan horde hemma pa 1:an eller 2:an. Men vi kampade pa och lyckades med en del och misslyckades med mer. Slutresultatet blev 6-2 6-3 med fordel Sherwood. Ja ja battre lycka nasta gang och jag ar bara nojd att jag overhuvudtaget tog mig igenom matchen.

Hamtade Sixten och sedan Filip. Vi tog en snabbfika hemma innan vi akte ut i de friska vindarna for att prova drakarna. Vi hade jatteroligt och njot av en harlig hostdag(en sadan med tva prickar alltsa)
Nu ar Filip pa Svenska skolan. Forsta gangen for terminen och jag undrar vad han tycker om det hela. Jag tror att han hellre skulle stannat hemma och lekt men man vet ju aldrig.
Idag fick vi forresten hem forsta Interim Report fran Kindergarten. Det ar fem olika saker som bedoms pa en fyrgradig skala: Listening/following directions, Responsible for homework, Uses time wisely, Works independently and Observes school rules. Graderingen ar Outstanding, Satisfactory, Needs improvement and Unsatisfactory.
Filip sa att vi inte fick oppna den forran ikvall. Jag har smygtittat...

måndag 22 september 2008

A Monday like any other

Up early preparing the snack bag and lunch box for a very very tired Filip. He is just not very good with the early mornings no matter how early he goes to bed. It is still dark, he complains.

After having waved goodbye to the big boys i had to deal with my Terrible Two who nowadays don't want to do anything. Eating breakfast? NO! Getting dressed? NO! Brushing teeth? NO! Going to school? NO! Watching Backyardigans "Chichen-Itza Pizza " for the 698 time? YES! So I guess there is actually something he wants to do.
When I had left my little NO-man in the safe hands o Mrs Quinn I headed straight for the tennis courts. Mariana the tennis coach is still out of town so instead of clinic we played doubles. I am teaming up with Stacy for Wednesdays game and this was our first time playing together. It went OK. I have been working on my serves, although I have a long way to go I have improved a lot. It was great fun playing but I had to leave in the middle of second set.

Picnic time!

Sixten and his tiny adorable classmates had invited us parents to a get to now each other picnic. It was nice to chat to the other parents, not only the usual hello in the hallway dropping off or picking up our kids.

lördag 20 september 2008

Whitewater rafting

One day on our trip to the Smokeys Henrik and Filip went on a rafting trip. Filip was SO scared before they started but he got into it and after the two hour long trip he was so proud. They had a swimming break half way where they could jump off cliffs and relax a bit. Unfortunately they were not the only ones to relax at that spot. When they had mounted the boat again the guide Chris spotted a 2 m long snake in the water next to them. Surprise!

Soccer again

This will be my story for the next couple of weeks. We spent the morning in Jamestown watching the Vikings against the Sharks. Unfortunately the Vikings lost by 1-4 but they put up a great game and I think they all enjoyed them selves.

Today was also picture day and this time we came prepared with the form and cheque filled out.

The coaches had made a bit of an effort today to look a little bit smarter. But for coach Roger to wear a no 9 Ljungberg sweater I find a bit counterfeit.

fredag 19 september 2008

Sweet victory

The first soccer game of the season and the Vikings won by 5-2. Way to go! This year they are a boys only team playing 2*25 minutes with a larger field, larger goals and even a goalkeeper (poor guy). They had lots of fun playing and Filip performed his usual strutting, dancing, cheering moves.

Coach Roger and Coach Henrik did a great job tying shoe laces, serving drinks, guiding the boys. Next week we do hope the dress up a little bit more. Think more Svennis less Tommy Söderberg.

torsdag 18 september 2008

Here we go again

The tummy bug has officially left the building. We all had a good nights sleep and today we are back on track.

This is especially great cause tonight is it time for the first soccer game for the season. "The Vikings" with head coach Roger and assistant coach Henke Larsson will team up against "the Dragons". I am sure I will once again make a total fool of my self cheering and screaming by the side line.
Filip is extremely charged for the game his only concern is whether Henrik will make it back in time from Virginia

onsdag 17 september 2008

If I only could see him...

Due to the intense rain yesterday we had to relocate our tennis games today to an indoor facility. Usually the games starts at 9.30 making it possible for all us preschool mums to drop off our kids and be on time for the game. Unfortunately the indoor courts were only available between 9 and 10.30. So I spent some time yesterday trying to arrange an alternative way to drop Sixten off in time for school and still be at the courts on time.

Finally I got a "Sure no problems" from Mia and I could start getting really nervous for my first match.

I mean really nervous.

But then I started thinking that I will at least have achieved something. Extended my horizon. I put all my trust in Amy my tennis partner and started to look forward to playing.

8.15 pm in my bed with Sixten reading him a bedtime story all plans are changed. Instead of spending the night sound asleep in bed I was on nurse duty until 2am when we both finally got some sleep.

If I only could see that little nasty mean tummy bug I would sure kick his tiny butt.

tisdag 16 september 2008

A little friend...

It looks quite harmless to me, don't really think it is, sorry was, a black widow. But it makes our life here a bit more interesting if it really was one so...

This little rascal was hiding in our outdoor furniture cover that we have had neatly tucked away in the garage for some time.

A slow start on my blogging

Yesterday Mum and Dad left Greensboro for a long flight back to a chilly Sweden. Today we have been enjoying the leftovers from hurricane Ike. It has been raining nonstop since this morning and it seems like it will be daylight at all today. Hopefully it will all have moved on north soon so we can enjoy a few more weeks of summer warmth.

In the last couple of weeks we have done some extensive travelling. First a three day trip to Las Vegas for me and Henrik and after a one day stop at home we drove into Tennessee for a long weekend.

I am trying to sort out the 300+ pictures that we have taken and come back with more about our trips. Soon. I promise.

tisdag 2 september 2008

Det hinns liksom inte med

Det ar verkligen stressig sa har i skolstartstider. Jag hinner inte sitta vid datorn och blogga en endaste sekund.
Nagon dag skall jag beratta om:
-Filips karleksbekymmer
-Planerna for Las Vegastrippen
-Sixtens skolstart
-Filips forsta laxa
-Helgen i Virginia
-Black widows i garaget (Svarta ankor lat inte sa skrackinjagande)
-ditten och datten som sakert intresserar nagon

Men till dess So long!