lördag 2 augusti 2008

He did it!

After practicing for many many days now, he finally did it. Filip had a goal for the summer and that was to learn to swim across the shallow part of the pool. It measures approx 20 meters.

Today he finally managed to swim across, freestyle of course, without putting down his feet once.

He was proud. We were proud. Sixten then did the same thing but with his floaties on of course. No biggie he thought.

4 kommentarer:

Farmor o Farfar sa...

Bra gjort grabbar

EGON sa...

OS om fyra dagar och vi behöver svenska medaljhopp. Heja, heja!

BethSy sa...

Instämmer i hyllningskören gör jag och golfaren brevé;)

Lillie plein damour sa...

Grattis Grattis.
Mamma tävlar med i öldrickning...